Saturday, March 24, 2012


The following is excerpted from 

The practice of meditation has existed on the earth for thousands of years. It is highly refined in many cultures, including that of Tibet. In addition to assuming the traditional meditation pose, the Tibetan monks are known to meditate under or beside a large copper plate. This copper plate, again, is a natural antenna collecting, tuning, amplifying, and re-radiating energy from the earth’s electric field. Mandellas, or special graphical patterns used to enhance meditation, are also forms of energy antennas. Reportedly, the most effective ones are those etched in copper. Logical.

The practice of yoga is a similar means for charging our bodies with energy. By assuming the various stances and adjusting them precisely, we are able to tune into specific frequencies of energy in the sea of electricity swirling about us. This allows us to tune very accurately to energies that are needed for specific purposes.

Similarly, exercising in groups, such as in an aerobics class, is a way of coupling into the energy field, building a resonance of energy, and passing it from one to another in the class. The participants feel this buildup of energy. In the same fashion, a play or musical production can build energy through its rhythmic use of sound and motion. Observers of a particularly well done performance often describe it as “electrifying.” That is a perfectly accurate description.

There is another more direct way to charge oneself from the earth’s electric field. That is through the use of a biocircuit.

A British airman named Leon Ernest Eeman invented Biocircuits. His work is discussed in the book, Biocircuits, Amazing New Tools For Energy Health, by Leslie Patten and Terry Patten.

Eeman was a British pilot who suffered serious injuries in an airplane crash in 1915. Although he recovered enough from the crash to fly again, by 1918 he had symptoms of acute head and spinal pains and unbearable insomnia. After 18 months and 5 different hospitals he was released from duty as 100 per cent disabled. The doctors told Eeman there was nothing more they could do for him. Eeman decided he would have to do it himself. He became interested in the process of healing by the laying on of hands. He reasoned that the use of two hands implied that some form of energy was being moved because the hands possessed polarity. That is, one hand was positive, one hand was negative, causing a flow of energy between them. He further reasoned that in the process of laying on of hands that the healer formed some sort of electrical circuit with the patient.

From this reasoning he began to experiment with the use of copper wires connected between different parts of the body. These external circuits became known as biocircuits. Within three years Eeman had completely relieved himself from pain and insomnia. He then went on to develop his techniques and provide treatment to others over a 36 year career as a healer.
Dr. Aubrey Westlake later joined this work. Later a researcher by the name of Peter Lindeman further researched biocircuits, including different wiring configurations and the use of silk in place of copper wires.

What Eeman had discovered was that it was possible to increase the energy in the human body by simply laying in a biocircuit for periods ranging from ten minutes to a few hours. He experimented with different arrangements of the wires, as well as with inserting a chemical into one of the wire paths. He also experimented with interconnecting several people with wires. Each stage of his development was carefully researched and documented. Much of the scientific rigor is due to Dr. Westlake.

Eeman was particularly successful in curing cases of insomnia.

The effects were also positive on many other illnesses and injury conditions.

The homeopath, Eric Powell, also used Eeman’s circuits. He found them useful for treating insomnia, abdominal distress, indigestion, general debility, mental conditions of excitement, restlessness, and moodiness. He also verified Eeman’s experiments with drugs.

Powell invented a device called the autonormaliser, a container to hold drugs. The effect of placing drugs in the biocircuit was found to be the same as taking oral doses, except that the reactions were much faster and stronger.

I have verified that Eeman’s biocircuits do work. I use these circuits daily to charge myself from the earth’s electric field. The practice is very simple. The arrangement of wires I use is called the Lindeman circuit. It places the ends of wires on the soles of the feet and in the palms of the hands in a cross configuration. That is, the left foot is connected to the right hand, and the right foot is connected to the left hand. The third wire is positioned with its ends near the base of the spine and the neck. The user lays horizontally, preferably with the head pointing north, and preferably on a concrete surface. This orientation and the use of a dense mass increase the currents. While laying in the circuit it is not necessary to do anything additional to gain energy. However, it is an excellent time to practice meditation or recite positive affirmations.

What is happening in this circuit is similar to the charging done while we are asleep, except that the field currents have been intensified by using the external copper wires. The current flow paths formed by the wires and the skeleton form three interconnecting loops. These loops interact to increase the current flows. Further, the lengths of the loops set up electrical flows that are harmonically related to each other. This further helps build the energy. A further effect is due to the copper in the wires. As electrical currents flow through the copper wires, they pick up the vibrations of the copper molecules themselves. These molecular vibrations add a signal to the currents much like a radio station adds the sound to the signal from the radio transmitter. This process is called modulation. This modulated signal is tuned to the frequency of copper. Remember those copper pegs that Dr. Becker found in our skeletal structure? Those copper molecules will react to the incoming signals that carry the “song of copper” by vibrating in step. These vibrating molecules press against the piezoelectric crystals, converting the “song of copper” into rectified electrical energy. So the biocircuits specifically act as a carefully tuned radio receiver to tune into exactly the frequency that our skeleton transduces into our life force energy.

The effectiveness of this charging circuit can be measured. Using Owen’s chain or a crystal pendulum, it is possible to measure one’s energy state before charging and after charging. The measurement is made by placing one’s left hand on the front top of their head at a point called the crown chakra. The left hand takes in the energy leaving through that chakra. It then flows through the left arm, out the right arm, and causes the chain to rotate.  

This chart shows the before and after measurements of using this charging exercise over a period of 34 days. Two effects are very clear. First, the energy was increased by a factor of 2.5. A second effect was that the net energy increased progressively over the experimental period.

Keeping in mind that Owen’s chain is simply measuring electrical charge, this clearly scientifically establishes that biocircuits increase the electrical charge in the body. Biociruits can be used daily as a simple, low cost means of collecting free energy from the earth’s electric field. All these circuits are doing is tuning into the energy most appropriate to the body, increasing it by using the principle of resonance, and passing it into the body for storage.

Biocircuits, then, give you your own radio antenna to tune into the sea of electricity that swirls around us.  

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